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Terminal block connector products application and prospect
  Published:2015-09-30 15:07:32   Views:

    Terminal block connector products used in automobiles, home appliances, instruments, office equipment, business machines, electronic components lead. Electrical instrumentation control board, used in digital products, household appliances, automobile industry. With the development of car electronic control system, technology widespread application, more and more electrical parts, wire and will be more and more!

    In recent years, China's mobile phone output growth of mobile phone connector of mobile phone in great demand. Mobile phone connector, battery battery connector, SIM card, FPC connector battery connector in greatest demand, accounting for about 50 of total demand [% ]. According to the global resources market research report shows, 2004, in the computer and consumer electronics market outstanding demand drive below, connector market will show two digit growth. Many local connector manufacturer is to mold development or manufacturing started, and gradually infiltrated into the connector manufacturing field. Due to a mold development, manufacturing and plastic molding can force, whether in cost control or the customers and the market's rapid response capability comparison, they have a considerable competitive advantage.