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CNC system and functional components control terminal development
  Published:2013-07-08 10:25:16   Views:

Lag of CNC system and functional components of development has become a bottleneck restricting the development of the terminal industry. Domestic mid-range numerical control system of domestic market share of only 35%, while more than 95% rely on imports of high-end CNC system. Functional components of domestic market share of about 30%, including high-end features lower market share. According to the national customs statistics, imports in 2010 amounted to $1810000000 for CNC system, machine tool accessories (including functional parts and fixture) products of $1620000000.
The overall quality level of machine tool industry products has been greatly improved, but, in the stability of product quality and reliability, for example: machine early failure rate is high, the precision stability of short cycle, engineering capacity coefficient (CPK value), mean time to failure (MTBF) and other indicators with the international advanced level there is a certain gap.
Machine tool industry to technology intensive, capital intensive, talent intensive industry, has many categories, many varieties, small batch, high social benefits and other industry character. CNC system and key functional components currently supporting industries mainly rely on import, the majority of products added value is low, the whole industry is still in the international industrial chain in the low-end, low overall economic benefits of industry, profitability is poor, compared with the developed countries there is still a certain gap.
And the mold design and mold technology precision remains to be improved, most of the mold enterprises is still low in the mold industry struggling, widespread duplication, vicious competition phenomenon, seriously restricted the development of mold enterprises. At the same time it also restricts the development of the domestic terminal overall industry.
In summary, Elinker Electric Ltd., to speed up the adjustment and optimization of the layout of the terminal industry, is not only the terminal product development and technological innovation, at the same time, optimize and upgrade the industry as a whole chain of resources, particularly is the numerical control of machine tool and mould precision and stability is very important!