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Domestic terminals Innovative long way to go before market-leading companies
  Published:2013-11-20 09:46:23   Views:

In the field of automation and control applications with electrical connections , terminal connections play an important role in signal transmission channel and , in recent years , along with the challenges of market competition situation , terminals and companies competing to launch the latest models of differentiated products , making terminals beyond the traditional sense of the concept of simple basic elements , especially high-tech products, advanced technology, performance indicators appear , but also to provide a broad terminal stage .
Currently in many domestic enterprises terminals , most of them in the production of low-cost terminals, only a small part of the business is expanding the scale of production of high-end terminals . Focus on high-end products developed and produced Elinker electrical charge that, our terminals production capacity is increasing , the pace of innovation is accelerating , international competitiveness is also growing , whether it is industrial level or enterprise level, all have a certain competitive strengths , our distance terminal major industrial countries is still a long way to go , mainly in firm size is generally small, weak profitability , low levels of R & D investment , lack of innovative capacity .
Experts said that the domestic terminal enterprises, either from professional focus , national needs , or from the market-oriented point of view, a complete range of terminals and the new terminal products are supposed to be the core leading products. From the urgency of innovation , realistic and forward-looking way , terminals and industrial development must first clear the direction of development of new terminals, new terminal should strive to break through the field of multi-point , leading the terminal industry ; secondly , the priority development and expansion of the industrial chain upstream core infrastructure industries , including precision molds, core components , manufacturing equipment terminal equipment and research and development design, software , terminals ASIC chip design industry .