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Elinker electric terminal benefits details displayed
  Published:2013-05-16 10:45:32   Views:

Elinker electric since founded yilai has been insisted "provides high quality products, constantly innovation technology, cater to customer of needs, competition in the common development" of concept, elinker electric has full features of hardware manufacturing capacity, including injection, and stamping, and workers die treatment with, and screws, and assembled, production sector, in research and system drive of tube controlled in the widely using has more items quality guarantee method, in plans arrangements Shang using has advanced of ERP system, Efficient operation of the manufacturing system and product quality and delivery is a strong guarantee.


Company mainly produces printed circuit board terminals and rail mounted terminal blocks, terminals, supplemented, either connection terminals, both of them have the following advantages:


1. large wire capacity can be adapted to various wiring requirements.
2. line box with welded pins mechanical decoupling, due to solder-PIN is not attached to the line box, tighten the screw on the torque transmitted to the welding point.
3. weld winged needle-shaped, narrowing at the end of tapering. Insert welding holes, increasing the contact area. Welding liquid soluble in welding holes, not cold solder joint.
4. solder pins for copper alloys, solder-pin no dirt to ensure long-term reliability of the welded.
5. solder-plated needle, easy to weld.
6. with the cooling channel.
7. solder-pin shrink at the end of tapering, easy to install.
Elinker electric products are all based on the standards required by industrial design, and the use of suitable materials in order to achieve the perfect product quality. Reasonable price, good service, and continued to meet customer demand for our quality goals, striving to be the best supplier of terminal blocks.