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Terminal machine debugging and security
  Published:2012-09-17 10:47:29   Views:

Before Riveting Terminal, the workers must debug terminal machine. The McNair electrical safety hazards that may arise in the production, to develop a detailed terminal debugging and security specifications of the machine:

Technical workers in the debugging terminal machine before the first turn off the power, and linked to the "maintenance" of the listing.

First facelift blade positioning manually dial the operation of the machine a good tune. Confirm the position of the upper and lower blade height is good cutter and on the outside blade closely. Note blade whether it will punch bad positioning, confirm after passing adjust send material mold position the terminal through the feed mold, the terminal shift on the blade stamping position, adjust better to send feeder, manually dial the operation of the machine, confirm to send material spacing and location qualified after adjustment, turn on the machine, step on the pedal pressure test wire to determine the to test jacks Block terminal the Rally, height, appearance to meet the requirements, after passing the normal production.

Can not be both at the same time commissioning or operating the same machine, so as to avoid accidents.

Pressure end of the machine in operation, must not hand or a bit of foreign body going to get card terminals shall not hands or other parts of the body close to the operation of the machine parts (such as dial, blades, etc.); the long hair must wear a hat, and hair into the hat, to avoid hair embroiled dial.

End pressure of employees in the work shall not be chatting with people, to talk about problems at work or temporarily leaving the job need to turn off the power.

Non-pressure end of the group staff and engineering personnel shall not commissioning, start the machine.