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The application of the water heater Terminal Blocks
  Published:2012-09-13 09:38:29   Views:

The Terminal Blocks is an important component in the water heater, dealing with improper give users personal safety and property of certain damage, Elinker remind everyone to understand the proper use of the Terminal Blocks in the water heater, is an important measure to prevent potential accidents.

Terminal Blocks in the application of the water heater:

1, Should be in accordance with the heater Terminal Blocks marked the NL and ground symbol corresponding color other wire crimp.

2, Laying PVC hard plastic tube, or deposited outdoor Ming. Shall not be laid at a high temperature and a place vulnerable to mechanical damage.

3, Cut the wire insulation should not damage the wire core. The wires must be connected to the electric heater hot tin processing, or pressure line ends processing.

4 Hard plastic line pipe to be deposited to the solar water heater bracket do waterproof bend. Waterproof bend to the junction box of the heater section of the wiring required to wear bellows for protection.

5.Hard plastic tube connections must be securely sealed. For surface hard plastic tube application of steel pipe through the floor susceptible to mechanical damage protection, protection of the height of not less than 0.5m.

6, The hosts by three-pole plug sheathed cable links. In accordance with the NL and the ground symbol marked on the three-pole plug when the pressure line, must be a one-to-one correspondence with the pressure on the line terminals of the heater wire to prevent a short circuit caused the accident due to the pressure line.

Finally, Elinker experts stressed that if the power cord or connector is damaged, not blindly operation, in order to avoid danger, you must use a dedicated power supply line provided by the manufacturer, and quality certification connectors to be replaced by a professional maintenance staff.