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Converter maintenance daily matters needing attention
  Published:2012-07-13 15:42:53   Views:

1, environmental temperature on the service life of the transducer has a great influence on. Ambient temperature10per liter, the converter life by half, so the temperature of the surrounding environment and inverter cooling problems must be solved.

2, the correct connection and parameter setting. In the installation of frequency converter must read the manual, master its usage, matters needing attention and the wiring; after the installation, and then according to the use of the correct parameters.

3, pay attention to the relationship between speed and lift. Motor selection and optimum working segment is the more important question. If the long time running under 5HZ inverter, motor heating became prominent problems.

4, V / F control of constant torque adjustment. While vector control so that the output torque of the motor and a voltage proportional to the square of the increase, thereby improving the output torque of motor in low speed.

5, if the system using frequency / frequency switching mode, power output and frequency output to reliable interlock. And start and stop pumping, power / frequency switching converter to stop, then operation contactor. As a result of contact and adhesion of high capacity contactor arc extinguishing need for a certain period of time, the switching sequence, time to consider.

6, an external control signal failure problem. Usually several situations: signal pattern is not correct, terminal wiring error, parameter setting is not correct or an external signal itself has a problem.

7, over current trip and overload trip difference. Over current is mainly used for protection of converter, which is mainly used for motor overload protection. Because the converter capacity sometimes need than in the motor capacity increase a block or two blocks, in this case, when the converter is not certain motor overload, overcurrent. Overload protection from within the inverter electronic thermal protection function, in the preset electronic thermal protection, should be accurately preset" current than that with" rated motor current and rated current ratio percentage.