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Ultra energy-efficient modernization of the inverter
  Published:2012-07-12 09:36:13   Views:

The original purpose was generated by the inverter speed control, but increasing the frequency converter energy saving  has become the focus of attention as the development of technology and social requirements for energy efficiency.

May, before we talk to the inverter energy-saving will think of the fan and water pump inverter to adjust the energy savings, in fact, energy-saving effect of the inverter is innate. Application of frequency control, you can greatly improve the accuracy of motor speed control motor to run in the most energy-efficient speed. Example, according to the principles of fluid mechanics, shaft power and speed is proportional to the cube of the fan and water pump. When the air volume required to reduce the fan speed is reduced, the power according to the cube of the speed drop. Therefore, precise speed control of energy-saving effect is very impressive.

In the equipment manufacturing industry, through the application of inverter technology, save a lot of cumbersome mechanical drive mechanism, optimized production technology, improve production efficiency and greatly reduce the energy consumption per unit of product, which is actually more important frequency energy.