DC motor speed controller is to regulate the speed of a DC motor equipment is one of the more typical industrial use product , whether it is internal or line layout with terminals must be perfect , Elinker is a professional manufacturer of terminal blocks , the company manufacturing the LC, LZ, LS series PCB terminal blocks are widely applied to manufacturing of DC motor speed controller . The following lists two typical customer scenarios .
DC motor speed controller is used in the manufacture of Elinker LZ Series LC and male and female with PCB terminals. LC1 series has pitch as 3.5,3.81,5.0,5.08,7.5,7.62 Poles 2-24 lines provide screw jack with matching seismic connections. Use the side plug connection technology , which screw into the line direction and the direction perpendicular to the wire . LZ and LC series is the perfect companion .
This section of DC motor speed controller is mainly used in brush motors , gear motors and other electromagnetic fields , the choice to use the terminal is Elinker made LW3 series terminals. LW fence products simple structure , plate pressure line mode , intuitive and secure ; diameter range : 0.5m -6m square meters ; section terminals terminals DC motor speed controller line application also relatively widespread.
Elinker always adhering to the terminal user first, quality first , develop a solid foundation for product development and market areas of the governor.