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The new power industry join the program : Elinker Pluggable Terminal Blocks
  Published:2014-05-12 09:55:44   Views:

Existing power terminals often just for a particular power system on the same machine as the market may need to apply to a single-phase , two-phase or three-phase power supply, etc. , in different use occasions , place ( or state ) , even if it All the internal structure of a class of machines are the same, but different from the standard power supply wiring leading to a difference , you need professionals for power wiring for this change brings a lot of unnecessary trouble, sometimes , because the power changing the wiring or even the need to redesign the machine style, therefore , the existing power terminals poor adaptability .
Given the current market development bottleneck power terminals , Elinker hereby launch a new type of electrical power connection scheme, namely our very unique PCB terminal blocks ( Pluggable terminal block ) .
Elinker Pluggable Terminal Features Analysis:

LC series products have pin spacing is 3.5,3.81,5.0,5.08,7.5,7.62 Poles 2-24 lines, providing a socket with screws to match , seismic connections. Use the side plug connection technology , which screw into the line direction and the direction perpendicular to the wire . LC2 series insertion direction perpendicular to the wire , the plug installation, snapping each other to save space ; Since the connected wires direction perpendicular to the waiting , waiting the first time , the wire will not be squeezed.
In order to continuously meet the needs of the power market , Elinker electric passion and innovation, developed numerous solutions for power terminals , in addition to plug -in terminal , I can still provide the Secretary spring , straight welded fence terminals , etc. connected products.