RCA Terminal block, commonly known as the Lotus head, is a widely used terminals, you can apply the included analog video, analog audio, and color difference component digital audio transmission. RCA terminals is also called "phono connector", literally translated as "phonograph interface", because at first, this Terminal is designed to connect the record player and radio devices-transistor radios before the birth. Following Elinker Electric Company technicians on the most common use of the RCA terminals as well as the analysis of advantages and disadvantages.
RCA terminal uses and advantages
In the most common use, there's a standard plug wires at both ends, there is one right in the middle of the head-end, surrounded by rings, this ring is sometimes abandoned because of flexibility. Devices are equipped with sockets, surrounded by a metal ring in the middle of the hole. Socket outside diameter smaller than the plug to allow stable reset plug plug. Filling of insulation between the inner and outer ring on the socket, usually with plastic filling.
Connection method to put the plug into the socket of the device (commonly known as female). Signals on the needle of overhang the plug, usually two (of a device and plugs) before grounding ring contact, needles and socket contacts, connection has been started will be humming or chirping sound installation. If plug half-dropped out (broken ground but no broken signal), will issue a continuous noise. In addition some plugs, especially cheaper, close to prison and grounded sheath performance will drop significantly.
RCA Terminal faults
RCA an insufficient table now, whenever you need a separate signal, you need to have a separate cable. Cable and wiring difficulties were caused on the one hand and, in addition, after you connect the cables, cables also affects the appearance of the cluttered.
Elinker Electric is a supplier which research,product, sales terminals, the company uses the latest mould and has over ten years of sales experience, provides the best solution for each customer.