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China will become a global automotive electronics production big country
  Published:2012-09-05 13:48:33   Views:

With the rapid economic growth of the transport industry to promote and generate demand for cars, the domestic auto industry will feel the chill, growth is slowing down, but not really the cold due to the increase in consumers' day-to-day activities range.

Consumer enthusiasm for automotive connector products remains the same, the popularity boom of vehicle electronic equipment is still not subsided, the domestic automotive electronics market is in a period of rapid growth, market volatility and risk resistance ability. In addition to the original automotive electronic products in a period of growth or mature, the market penetration is constantly improved; new car electronic products such as night vision systems, parking assist systems, collision warning systems are emerging, to enter the market introduction phase begin to equip a luxury car, I believe that the near future, as the technology matures and costs decline, the new technology will be universal, to enter a period of rapid growth to become the main force to promote the development of automotive electronics market. In addition, the automotive electronics manufacturers stepped up to establish sales channels, pay close attention to product quality and to increase the cooperation between the various aspects of the industry, the industry value chain and the ecological chain has initial shape, but also to lay the foundation for future healthy development of automotive electronics industry.

Foreign automotive manufacturers in accelerating into China, to seize the Chinese market. China's domestic manufacturers, despite a late start, but local manufacturers through to pinpoint their industry position, choose the right development strategy, will receive a huge development, China will become a global automotive electronics producing countries.