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Terminals and connectors of different marketing strategy
  Published:2012-06-08 11:01:13   Views:

We know that the terminal is part of the connector device, but has a very different marketing model of the terminals and connectors. The connector practitioners traders situation, such as Tyco, Opteron, and other well-known agents. Terminals most of the situation of manufacturers, such as Phoenix, The McNair Electric, Weidmüller and other well-known terminal manufacturers. This explains the different connector and terminal level.
Technical aspects of the production technology of connector products that require high, stringent testing environment, many businesses unable to meet the production and monitoring requirements. Many large connector manufacturers have business networks around the world, so the connector practitioners can not put too much technology and capital can be time agent trade, earn commissions and remuneration.

Terminals, technology contrast slightly less, but because of the wide market for terminals, terminals and more to the situation of producers in the market, terminals favorably connector.

The terminals and connectors have their own rules of the industry. Sales model of the terminal manufacturers, trade manufacturers of connector processing vendor / connector - the connector end-customer sales model connector / connector traders trader connector - connector manufacturer - to the connector end customers.

Terminals or connectors, and have each other's trade rules, the only constant innovation, hard service, in order to permanently stand on top of the market.