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Auto Connectors technical articles
  Published:2012-04-18 11:47:20   Views:

A leading manufacturer of automotive connectors and terminals, utilized laser-welding technology from Lumonics Corp. (Kanata, ON, Canada) on its new line of pin-style terminals.
Cardell, which developed its latest line of the automotive connector terminals in conjunction with Lumonics' Livonia, MI-based development center, used Lumonics' new laser welding technology for reliable, high-speed production of two-piece pin terminals.
Cardell recognized that drawn solid wire could be manufactured to tighter tolerances than similar-sized formed pins. The solution was a solid wire for the pin portion of the terminal that would be assembled to the terminal body.
Cardell automation engineer Joe Schotthoefer led the company's efforts to address this issue and is overseeing final tests of the Lumonics laser-welding production system that the company will be using for the new product line.
Lumonics application engineers recommend materials based on weldability. "Plating material and thickness, as well as the base metal alloys, can significantly affect weld strength and repeatability," points out Lumonics applications engineer Wes Buckley. 
With the process in place, Cardell and Lumonics engineers worked with the machine integrator to develop the best laser control method for the production equipment. "The laser weld pulses had to be triggered by the production equipment to be synchronized with the transport mechanism even during start-up and changes in speed," says Jeff Grainger, technical support engineer for Lumonics.
A custom end-effector supports an interchangeable, two-- weld spot prism to place two simultaneous welds onto the pins, if needed. With the prism removed, the laser will produce a single spot-- weld on the components."
For Cardell, the laser welding process solved the problems it experienced with solder re-flow and resulted in a clean, automated, high-speed method to manufacture auto connector  the instant the system is activated.