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Green production of electronic components
  Published:2012-03-19 14:00:17   Views:

With the rapid development of China's information industry, electronic components in the production process of cleaning, welding and surface coating process contamination also received increasing attention. Experts, should pay attention to the "green" production of electronic components.

Electronic components production and economic spheres are inseparable, especially in the chemical, plastics, metallurgy, iron and steel, machinery, textile and construction industries, and its "green" technology to adapt to the development needs of the national economy.

"Green" the production of electronic components only implement the concept of environmental protection in all aspects of the components of product design, production, sales, recycling, services can be achieved. The direction of the production of green electronic components are: fewer materials, waste and energy. In the production process to establish a philosophy of environmental protection, as much as possible the development and adoption of production technology of the green components, including the production and handling of pure water, cleaning, etching, welding and surface coating of new equipment, new processes and new technologies lead-free soldering and to strive to 100% recycling of all byproducts, standardized design and efficient use of energy, can be produced with advanced "green" electronic components on the part of the loop removal assembly.