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Automotive connector durability mode is analytic
  Published:2012-03-13 16:15:41   Views:

Because the automobile PCB than applied to telecommunication line industry PCB to thin, operating temperature ( 125oC ) also is much higher and the use of the environment vibration, want this technology into automotive systems is not an easy thing. This technique brings significant processing cost benefit, it will be a solder pin is pressed into the metal plate hole in PCB.

In order to apply strict automobile application conditions, FCI pressed terminal specially designed, inserted in the PCB provides the complete full controllability of the strength, deformation resistance and reduced to a minimum, to ensure that the PCB interface with solid. Since the ratio of wave soldering is more cost effective, and the process is fully automated, reduces the PCB cost, FCI butterfly solution case ( and related tools ) more and more get the favour of business of automobile manufacturing. In addition to superior performance (compatible with SMT technology and excellent holding element integrity ), as does not exist on PCB thermal shock and tin bridge risk, it also improves the additional process quality.

In addition, FCI found that: in the pressing applied in the correct use of the plating process and pin conditions, when the contact is regulated by various extracellular conditions ( for example: Department of sharp change of temperature, relative humidity, long-term in a dry environment and gas corrosion ) time, contact resistance of a straight to maintain small changes. However, with the increase in the number of pins, the pressure becomes too large, so the connector is inserted into the base should be very careful. FCI developed a " NXT" type electroplating industrial arts. Based on an amorphous nickel chemical properties, it can ask for very smooth and uniform surface, can greatly reduce the gold plating thickness ( about 80% reduction). In the safety of key application, this technology can support very low signal current. Multi pin connector to connect the electroplating system presents another test. For ergonomic considerations, connecting device inserted into the force should be as small as possible, but with the circuit count increases, the force required to insert the connector will increase in proportion.

However, the electrical properties of each contact are usually indicates high contact pressure ( usually caused by high insertion force ), and lower connector plug into force goals are contradictory. In order to solve this problem, we developed a new type of contact surface. Teflon ( Teflon ) of a particle in a common tin groove after the same treatment and selectively electroplated onto the exposed surface. Micro particles can be a typical tinplating terminal insertion force is reduced more than 40%. This method can make the connector case has more pins, and without inserting auxiliary device -- enhanced ergonomics and improved stability. In addition, the measurement and display, when the terminal is easily affected by vibration, tin - Teflon ( Tin-Teflon ) surface than any other tinned contact has better anti friction corrosion effect.