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How to build Terminal blocks' brand at this stage
  Published:2014-08-18 16:32:42   Views:

Domestic terminal block is beginning for foreign brands to enter the market, foreign brands of preconceived notions. Terminals supporting industries in China's relatively weak strength, domestic brands both in the technology, manufacturing, industrial design and other aspects in terms of financial strength, have a gap with foreign brands. At present, foreign brands of terminals in the domestic market share of about 70%. Domestic terminal, main production enterprise control products, for superior performance, vector Terminal and other products with high technology content, most domestic enterprises have not developed a mature product.

With the improvement of people's living standards in recent years, consumers shifted from goods consumer brand, brand management, China continues to mature, national brands dominance, particularly information technology into our lives, promotes the brand concept development and innovation not only accelerate brand awareness, promoting the development of brand strategy, brand extension and extended a lot has changed.

Faced with keen competition in the domestic terminal market, product homogenization of serious, situations of monopoly of foreign products, domestic terminal enterprises should establish their own brands?

First thing to do is to build terminals brand real refuge from the virtual enterprise is both internal management and external publicity to avoid hollow, seeking, after all, is the Foundation of the enterprise development.

Create pragmatic business culture system. Enterprise culture is formed by business purposes has its own personality, values and moral codes of conduct combined. Entrepreneurial spirit is the core of enterprise culture and spirit, plays a dominant role in the entire corporate culture.

Practical operations, establish a pragmatic organization. Business operations efficient and pragmatic, in special industries in the current competitive environment, product homogeneity is more serious, so we had to model innovation to change. According to the present situation, market trends, to reposition the enterprise's status in the competition, so that enterprises can appear in a new attitude, and also greatly enhance the market competitive chip. Production strictly in accordance with the production management, site management system, business, strengthen the training of operational staff.

Given the current marketing environment terminals, diversification of product homogeneity, mode, input-output ratios a series of problems such as serious imbalance, the proliferation of media, if you want to establish a brand, you must change the operation thinking, taking a pragmatic line, can we truly brand into the market, in consumer psychology.

Continued firm implementation of the current concept, continue to explore and continue to move forward, in a rigorous scientific manner and their own efforts, believe the near future national Terminal legend for the enterprises in the development process, which is at least 5,000 years after deep cultural connotation of China's rapid economic development, China Terminal industry's common ideal.